Were - a degenerative disease, which leads to destruction of the hip and has a chronic current. It is more common in the age groups. You get sick more often women, than men.
The onset of the disease is gradual, it develops slowly. It may affect one joint or both. Is the most common type of osteoarthritis.
Because the disease develops?
Were some patients accompanies the natural aging process of the body and is the dystrophy of the tissues of the hip joint. Its appearance is influenced by factors such as:
- the reduction of the nutrition of the tissues;
- congenital anomaly of the hip, in particular, the dysplasia;
- trauma represents the pelvic area;
- post-infectious are;
- aseptic necrosis of the head of the hip;
- the perthes disease: (osteochondropathy).
Unfortunately, to determine the cause of the disease is not always possible and the pathology of the hip is called idiopathic coxarthrosis - that is so, the causes of which are not installed. This is a stimulus to the constant search of a problem. Work is ongoing research in this field and doctors have come to the conclusion that a higher risk of coxarthrosis observed in the following patients patients:
- Hereditary propensity to disease. The patients whose parents have suffered from diseases of cartilage and bone tissue, in most cases, you will also have similar issues;
- The excess of weight. A large mass of a body is the load on the joints, and without that regularly are mechanical work;
- The rates of irregularity, diabetes mellitus. This leads to a display of poor flow of oxygen and nutrients in joint tissue, because of this that they lose their properties.
To know the principal risk factors of the disease, it is possible to plan the preventive measures for its prevention.
How to recognize the pathology of the hip?
The symptoms coxarthrosis depends on the anatomical characteristics of the musculoskeletal system, the causes of disease, and stage of the process. Considered to be the main clinical manifestations:
- joint pain;
- irradiation of pain in the knee, thigh, groin;
- the rigidity of movement;
- limited mobility;
- violation of the feet, lameness;
- reduction in muscle mass of the thigh;
- shortening the limb sick.
The clinical picture corresponds to internal changes in the tissues of the joint. The symptoms grow gradually and the first stages the patient does not pay the proper attention. This is dangerous, because it is at the beginning of the treatment process, it brings greater effect.
Clinical and radiological measurement coxarthrosis
Listed below are the symptoms of the disease, specific for each measure.
- 1 degree. The patient feels the periodic pain and discomfort. Unpleasant feeling of discomfort after prolonged exercise provisions in the static pose. The pain is localized in the area of the joint and passes after rest. In this phase of the process is not broken pace and is not a shortening of the leg. Change visible on the x-ray - narrowing of the articular slit, appear of osteophytes (bone outgrowths).
- 2 degree. Increases the intensity of the pain can appear during rest and radiates to the adjacent areas of the body. Appears to be limping after the man to put the time or against power surges. It limits the amount of movement of the joint. At the same time develop the changes of the x-ray paintings: moves to the head of the femur, osteophytes grow on the inside and outside edges of the acetabulum.
- 3 the stage. The pain takes on a permanent character, appears day and night. Significantly worsening the pace, appears to be constant lameness. Drastically reduced motor function, atrophy of the muscles in the foot. the changes in the muscle tissue leads to the fact that the foot is a bit “pulled” and becomes shorter. This leads to a deformation of posture and the curvature of the body. X-ray at this stage of the process: the total narrowing of the gap between the surfaces of the joint, the deformation of the head of the femur, a significant increase in osteophytes.
The diagnostic program in case of illness
The main method of diagnostic radiology. With its help, you can determine the presence of the disease and its stage. The x-ray analyze the structure of the articulation in the theme of joint space narrowing, osteophytes, destruction, head, huckle.
If there is a need for a study of the state of the soft tissues - develops tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. It allows you to investigate the status of the cartilage phases of the hip and of the muscles in the hip area.
Modern techniques and indications of treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip
Treatment of coxarthrosis can be conservative and surgical. Treatment of coxarthrosis aims to achieve the following objectives:
- reduce the pain manifestations;
- the recovery of motor activity;
- the rehabilitation and recovery of work capacity;
- the prevention of the complications;
- improve the quality of life of the patient.
The beginning of the treatment is to modify the risk factors. For this, the doctor recommends the following activities:
- normalization of body weight;
- abandon the bad habits;
- a complete feed;
- the normalization of physical activity;
- balanced regime of drinking;
- a healthy sleep.
The conservative treatment are: drug and non-drug. Pharmacological treatment includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors. They reduce the inflammatory process in the joint tissue, eliminate swelling and pain, restore motion, and improve the state of cartilage tissue.
Non-drug treatment includes, among other things, the massage of the affected area. This stimulates the muscles, is opposed to their muscular dystrophy and the prevention of shortening of a limb. The comprehensive, professional massage stimulates the blood circulation in the knee area, and this, in turn, leads to the normalization of metabolism in the tissues. Please note that massage is not always useful when coxarthrosis - they only do it between the aggravations and of some phases of the process. You can name him doctor who will advise you of massage techniques, the multiplicity of procedures and the duration of the course.
Obligatory condition of treatment - therapeutic exercise. Is the prevention of contractures and progression of the disease. The exercises must be performed every day, only to then have no effect. Gymnastics hand-picked and assigned to a doctor. Physical exercise improves general health, reduces the risk of emotional disorders, strengthen the power of the body.
Physiotherapy - another method that applies when coxarthrosis. This can be with the mud baths, therapeutic baths and shower, magnetic therapy. Applies the electro and the fonoforesi with medicinal substances.
If the methods of treatment has not taken effect or have been applied in the delay - you need the surgical treatment.
Immediate intervention when coxarthrosis
The surgical treatment applies to the ineffectiveness of conservation. This is especially true when a late diagnosis. Modern methods of operational and quality equipment operating permit to reconstruct the structure and joint function, return to the man the amount of movement and a quality of life normal. The most effective method of the surgical treatment is total joint replacement.
Readings for requesting intervention are:
- coxarthrosis of 2-3 degrees;
- the lack of effect of the therapy;
- total limitation of movements at the walk.
Contraindications, which do not allow you to perform the operation:
- decompensated status of the kidneys, of the heart, of the liver;
- mental illness;
- in the acute phase of an inflammatory process in the body.
This is the place preoperative diagnosis. However, if there is the possibility to adjust status - the patient is being prepared for the operation and then the operation is performed.
The operation consists in the removal of tissues and the installation of the prosthesis. There are different models of prosthesis. Different fixation methods in bone – cement and non-cemented, the material of which is made in the total hip prosthesis. Of all the characteristics of the prosthesis and the complexity of the surgery, you can get the information to visit your doctor.
The recovery period after the surgical treatment
From the first day after surgery carries out the rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor. First of all, it consists in the execution of passive movements, and then load is gradually increasing. A walk in the first time, is allowed only with crutches, is permitted to the seat and squat.
Of course, in a first moment, after the intervention there are limits to the loads. Have no fear - because without the intervention of these limits would be maintained until the end of life. Decrease of physical activity after the surgical treatment is necessary to strengthen the position of the prosthesis, restores the integrity of the bone, the healing of wounds. In a matter of 2 months should be deleted, sport, exercise in the town, a long walk and some types of exercise. After complete healing, the man is back to a full life, you can do sports and activities.
The terms of service, prosthesis: the majority of the companies indicates the survival rate of about 90% in terms of the vision up to 15 years.